Quick Example¶
This will give a quick example of matching ADT data from 10x CITE-seq dataset. We’ll be using the public pbmc_1k_protein_v3 dataset from 10x genomics available here, downsampled to 50k reads. The full script and input dataset are available in the example folder of the github.
For each read in the input files, we’ll match the sample, cell, and ADT barcodes, and output match information as well as the UMI sequence in a csv file.
The read layout for this dataset is as follows:
R1: 16bp cell barcode, then 12bp UMI
R2: 10bp of spacer, then ADT barcode
I1: 8bp sample barcode
We’ll start with the required imports, these aren’t too important
import gzip
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matcha
import tqdm
Opening files¶
Next, we open our output csv file
output = open("pbmc_1k_protein_v3/example_matching_stats.csv", "w", newline="")
Then, we specify our input files. First we create a FastqReader
This is the object that will perform all the actual reading and barcode matching.
Although we won’t use it in this tutorial, it can also write back out filtered fastq files,
which you can use for demultiplexing or tagging read names with corrected single cell barcodes.
We’ll make our reader use 3 threads, which will be used for reading files and barcode matching in parallel
f = matcha.FastqReader(threads=3)
Next we specify our fastq file paths and add them to our FastqReader
f.add_sequence("R1", "pbmc_1k_protein_v3/R1.fastq.gz")
f.add_sequence("R2", "pbmc_1k_protein_v3/R2.fastq.gz")
f.add_sequence("I1", "pbmc_1k_protein_v3/I1.fastq.gz")
Barcode Sequences¶
Now that we’ve added our sequences to our FastqReader object, it’s time to specify our barcode sequences and where to find them in each read. Matcha has two types of matching classess:
, which stores each valid barcode in a list, then compares each read to each barcode and picks the closest. This matcher can detect or correct an unlimited number of errors, but it becomes very slow if it needs to check too many valid sequences. As a rule of thumb, this is the best choice if you have under 20 valid sequences, and you should probably not use it to match over 100 sequencesHashMatcher
, which stores valid barcodes in a series of hash tables to allow efficient lookups of partial barcodes. This matcher can efficiently match against a huge number of valid barcodes, but it becomes slow if you need to be able to correct more than about 10% of the bases in each barcode.
Note that the Matcher objects only store the valid barcodes and the matching strategy. We specify what part of the sequence they should match against when we add them to our FastqReader object.
The first barcode we’ll match is the sample barcode. In this case it’s overkill because our fastq files are already demultiplexed, but we’ll do it for completeness. Since there are only 4 valid barcode values, we’ll use a ListMatcher:
sample_barcode = matcha.ListMatcher(
["SI-GA-A3", "SI-GA-A3", "SI-GA-A3", "SI-GA-A3"]
f.add_barcode("sample", sample_barcode, "I1")
Next, we’ll add the 10x barcodes. There are 3 million valid cell barcodes, so we’ll need to use the HashMatcher. We’ll use the recommended parameters for single basepair correction, although often it is a good idea to use only exact matches in this data. First we read in the valid barcodes from a file, then construct the HashMatcher object and add it to match the start of R1.
valid_10x_cell_barcodes = pd.read_csv(
names=["gene_barcode", "feature_barcode"]
cell_barcode = matcha.HashMatcher(
f.add_barcode("cell", cell_barcode, "R1")
Finally, we’ll add the ADT barcodes. Since there are only a handful we’ll use a ListMatcher. We’ll read the valid barcodes from a file, then add the Matcher to compare against R2 after skipping the first 10bp (since this 10x experiment used Feature Barcoding with Total-Seq B format ADTs)
adt_barcode_list = pd.read_csv(
adt_barcode = matcha.ListMatcher(
f.add_barcode("adt", adt_barcode, "R2", match_start=10)
Running the Matching¶
So far, everything we’ve done has just been setup to configure how to read input files, and how to match barcodes. Next, we’ll do the actual reading. Matcha operates on chunks of reads in order to use fast numpy/pandas operations to greatly speed up our processing. We’ll use a chunk_size of 10,000 reads, which is sufficient to not bottleneck on our python for loop.
All we’ll do in the loop is test which reads pass filter (in this case, just requiring a good match on the sample barcode). Then we’ll make a pandas DataFrame with the match information, and all the reads passing filter to our csv file.
first_write = True
total = None
chunk_size = 10000
progress = tqdm.tqdm(disable=None)
while f.read_chunk(chunk_size):
pass_filter = f.get_match_result("sample", "dist") <= 1
df = pd.DataFrame({
"cell": f.get_match_result("cell", "label"),
"UMI": f.get_sequence_read("R1", start=16),
"ADT": f.get_match_result("adt", "label"),
"cell_dist": f.get_match_result("cell", "dist"),
"cell_second_best_dist": f.get_match_result("cell", "second_best_dist"),
"adt_dist": f.get_match_result("adt", "dist"),
"adt_second_best_dist": f.get_match_result("adt", "second_best_dist"),