Perform enrichment analysis for (TF) motif footprinting
# S4 method for DsATAC
samples = getSamples(.object),
motifFlank = 250L,
type = ".genome",
motifDb = "jaspar"
character vector of motif names
sample identifiers
number of base pairs flanking the motif on each side
(PLACEHOLDER ARGUMENT: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) character string specifying the region type or ".genome"
(default) for genome-wide profiling
either a character string (currently only "jaspar" and sets contained in chromVARmotifs
("homer", "encode", "cisbp") are supported) or an object containing PWMs
that can be used by motifmatchr::matchMotifs
(such as an PFMatrixList
or PWMatrixList
object) OR a list of GRanges
objects specifying motif occurrences
a list
of footprinting results with one element for each motif. Each motif's results contain summary data frames with aggregated counts
across all motif occurrences and a ggplot
object for plotting footprints
if (FALSE) {
dsa <- ChrAccRex::loadExample("dsAtac_ia_example")
motifNames <- c("MA1419.1_IRF4", "MA0139.1_CTCF", "MA0037.3_GATA3")
# motifNames <- grep("(IRF4|CTCF|GATA3)$", names(prepareMotifmatchr("hg38", "jaspar")$motifs), value=TRUE, # alternative by searching
samples <- c("TeffNaive_U_1001", "TeffNaive_U_1002", "TeffMem_U_1001", "TeffMem_U_1002")
fps <- getMotifFootprints(dsa, motifNames, samples)